I work with ecopoetic breathing practices at the environmental humanities laboratory, KTH, Stockholm




I write on ecopoetry and ecopoetics. My inital work is on strategies of entanglement and ecopoetic practices in North American ecopoetry. Now I am writing about respirations in Ibero American ecopoetry.  

“mooing together” proposes an mooing ecopoetics from the feminist ecopoetry of Brazilian Marília Floor Kôsby.

Atmospheric and Geological Entanglements focuses on how  ecopoetry relates to two material and aesthetic dimensions of the Anthropocene: the atmospheric and the geological. 

“A New Song for Ourselves” proposes ecopoetry as an embodied practice, and ecopoetics as a critical practice, extended to ecologically oriented forms of community action and activism.

“Overcoming Anthropocene Melancholia” proposes  that in ecopoetry mourning for lost ecosystems and species is overcome by poetic research in language and activist engagement.